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Read edgedancer online free

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Continuity editor-and holy keeper of our internal continuity wiki-is Karen Ahlstrom.

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Our shipping manager (and the one who ships you all our signed books and T-shirts via the store) is Kara Stewart. Vice President and Editorial Director is the Insistent Peter Ahlstrom. Our manager and Chief Operations Officer is my lovely wife, Emily Sanderson. A Stormlight novel is “crunch time” for us here at Dragonsteel, and so make sure to give the team a thumbs-up (or, in Peter’s case, a block of cheese) next time you meet them.

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Many people at my own company worked long hours to produce this book. The ebook was prepared by Westchester Publishing Services, along with Victoria Wallis and Christopher Gonzalez at Macmillan. Our copyeditor on this book was Terry McGarry, who has done excellent work on many of my novels. Irene Gallo was our Art Director, Peter Lutjen the cover designer, Greg Collins the interior designer, and Carly Sommerstein our proofreader.Īt Gollancz/Orion (my UK publisher) thanks goes to Gillian Redfearn, Stevie Finegan, and Charlotte Clay. Karl Gold was our Production Manager and Nathan Weaver the Managing Editor, with Meryl Gross and Rafal Gibek in trade production. Others at Tor who provided help include Robert Davis, Melissa Singer, Rachel Bass, and Patty Garcia. Special thanks to Tom Doherty, who has believed in the Stormlight project for years, and Devi Pillai, who provided essential publishing and editorial aid during the course of the novel’s creation. My editor at Tor on this project was the ever-brilliant Moshe Feder. Special thanks also go to John Berlyne, my UK agent, of Zeno-along with all of the sub-agents who work with us around the world. Others at the agency who worked on them include Brady McReynolds, Krystyna Lopez, and Rebecca Eskildsen. My main agent for these books (and everything else) is the wonderful Joshua Bilmes, of JABberwocky. They deserve my most hearty of thanks, and yours as well, for their tireless work across the three years it took to write this novel. Now, on to the parade of names! As I often say, though my name goes on the cover, there are tons of people involved in bringing you these books. If you’re intrigued, you can find a longer explanation I’ve written at /cosmere.

#Read edgedancer online free series#

That said, as always, every series is written so it can be read and enjoyed on its own, without knowledge of these other series or books.

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